Northwest Resources

Amanda Chick, CAAR
Inmate Housing Case Manager (IHCM)
Jail Re-Entry Program
Northwest Resources II, Inc.
3773 Martin Way Road Suite A
Olympia, WA 98506
Cell: 360-878-4600
Fax: 360-688-7318
Brandon Mathews
Housing Case Manager
Northwest Resources II, Inc.
200 Lilly Road NE, Bldg. C
Olympia, WA 98506
Tel: 360-791-0257
Fax: 360-972-2152
OVERVIEW for IHCM (Inmate Housing Case Management – Amanda’s program)
What does the Re-Entry Housing Program provide?
The Re-Entry Program assists individuals who are incarcerated in Thurston County, who have a mental health and/or chemical dependency treatment need, with the purpose of providing a positive transition back into the community. Based on the information gathered, assistance is provided with deposit and/or rental assistance in clean/sober & supportive housing for up to three (3) months as well as connecting individuals with other local community resources. Funding is NOT guaranteed. Program participants must meet the requirements each month and it is also dependent upon funding availability. The Re-Entry Program is carried out with the goal of reducing recidivism. We can also assist those enrolled in the program with the following:
- Employment assistance
- Resume building
- Coordination with primary care
Housing Program Eligibility Requirements
To qualify for housing assistance through the jail re-entry housing program, you must meet the following criteria:
- Releasing from jail in Thurston County or released two weeks prior to meeting with inmate housing case manager;
- 30 days clean & sober;
- Be actively involved in chemical dependency treatment and/or mental health treatment OR treatment court;
** Once you are enrolled into the housing program, you must be progressively seeking a way to maintain stable housing after completion of the housing program.
(Housing is very limited and sometimes has a wait list.)
To secure housing, you must meet with the program manager as soon as possible and well in advance of your release date to go over housing options and instructions on obtaining a spot. IF you are released before you can meet with the program manager, you must contact her within 2 weeks of release. If you are currently in custody in the Thurston County Correctional Facility, contact the Programs Office to facilitate a meeting with the housing program manager.
How to enroll in the jail re-entry housing program:
Individuals who are currently incarcerated must be referred through the Re-Entry/Transitions Program coordinators in the Thurston County Jail or by their treatment court administrator.