Living Clean housing has four components:
- The primary purpose of the program is to help men set goals in areas of education, training, job preparation or job search, and independence. The program also allows men to focus on personal issues.
- Living Clean housing is a living situation with a supportive, positive community of other men with common experiences. There is a community atmosphere with mutual support and social contact. Also, there are a variety of 12-Step meetings, Celebrate Recovery (CR), educational, and other support groups available in the Lacey/Olympia/Tumwater area.
- Practicing mindfulness helps men achieve a sense of balance and learn how they can regulate their emotions and thoughts. Mindfulness is used to connect men to their feelings and how to use them as a stepping stone toward changing their lives.
- We believe in writing a personal mission statement because it helps build self-efficacy while helping them unearth and identify what’s truly important to them.
For more information, feel free to contact us at your convenience.